Construction du filtre
It is one of the European Union's oldest funding programs, exclusively dedicated to the environment and climate. Since 1992, LIFE has supported projects in all countries contributing to the preservation of nature and species.
With a budget of €3.4 billion for the 2014-2020 period, the program is divided into two pillars: environment and climate action. The program’s budget for 2021-2027 has increased to €5.4 billion across Europe, allocated to four areas:
LIFE program grants are awarded for both the environment sub-program and the climate sub-program through annual calls for projects.
Since its inception in 1992, nearly 4,500 projects have received funding from the LIFE program. For example, it financed 50% of the preservation of Hermann’s tortoise in the Var region. It also supports NGOs such as BirdLife, which works to protect birds, and Pesticide Action Network, which advocates for replacing pesticides with ecological solutions.
In collaboration with other European partners, the beneficiaries include public and private entities, associations, and research organizations based in various countries. The submitted projects improve their ecosystems through direct effects. Beyond that, "they are intended to be replicated, which multiplies their impact," explains Jean-Claude Merciol, Head of Unit at the European Commission in charge of LIFE. While rural areas are a focus, urban and peri-urban zones are not overlooked.